Below is a selection of eLearning projects I have designed and written. I had end-to-end responsibility for each course, from the initial scoping and design brief, research and/or liaison with the subject matter expert, writing the storyboard, oversight of the visual design, testing, and final handover for publication.
Sexual Orientation
This 10-minute course on sexual orientation was created as part of a Diversity and Inclusion course collection. It combines highly interactive traditional eLearning screens with layers of submenus that enable learners to explore the topic in whichever order they choose. The assessment questions are distributed throughout the course in lieu of an endpoint assessment. This course is approved by IOSH.
Handling Different Types of Data
This 5-minute course is part of an Information Security course collection. I also led the review of existing courses, worked with the SME, designed the new collection, and project managed its development.
This fully immersive course leverages a gamified scenario in which the learner must update an AI's algorithm so it can correctly handle different data types. It uses traditional eLearning components and complex question types to present the learner with information and opportunities to practice in a short span of time. Each question is worth multiple points.
Data Protection (Adaptive)
This is a detailed adaptive course based on the GDPR. It begins with a pre-test with several question banks keyed to specific learning objectives. By answering questions correctly, learners can 'pass' a learning objective and test out of the associated content. If any questions are answered incorrectly, the learner is only assigned topics covering the learning objective(s) they failed. After completing any assigned topics, they complete a post-test that only draws questions from banks keyed to the assigned topics. This example is framed as an immersive scenario.
Adventures in Anti-Money Laundering
This is a multi-module course is framed as an immersive 45-minute story where the learner helps investigate some AML red flags. Each module is packaged as an individual SCO to be delivered sequentially in the LMS. Additionally, Module 1 is designed to stand alone as a light-touch introduction for learners in low-risk roles. Assessment is distributed throughout the course as learners collect badges for answering questions correctly. Each module is assessed separately.
Food Allergies
This is a 25-minute standalone Health and Safety course I researched, designed, and wrote without SME support. It takes a traditional approach, blending interactive information screens with practice questions before presenting an endpoint assessment. Quick guides appear throughout and can be downloaded as individual pdfs or together as a pdf booklet. This course is approved by IOSH.